Volume 19


Attaining an Undergraduate Certificate on Older Adults: Examining Qualitative Experiences of Students

Dawn Apgar, PhD, Seton Hall University, and Lorri Zerrusen, MSW, Peace Aging Care Experts, LLC

Suggested Citation

Apgar, D., & Zerrusen, L. (2023). Attaining an undergraduate certificate on older adults: Examining qualitative experiences of students. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 19. Article 1. doi: 10.46504/19202301ap

Enhancing Effectiveness through Faculty Development Focused on Online Adjunct Faculty: A Comprehensive Investigation

Stacy D. Yeager-Okosi, DM, Aisha I. Hall, EdD, MSW, and Nana Gyan Quaicoe, MBA, Park University

Suggested Citation

Yeager-Okosi, S. D., Hall, A. I., & Quaicoe, N. G. (2024). Enhancing effectiveness through faculty development focused on online adjunct faculty: A comprehensive investigation. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 19. Article 2. doi: 10.46504/19202402ye

“I’m Afraid It’s Going to be Awkward”: Students’ Perceived Barriers to Visiting Instructors During Office Hours

Mary Stairs Vaugh, PhD, Amy Schmisseur, PhD, Christie Kleinmann, PhD, and Jason Stahl, Belmont University

Suggested Citation

Vaughn, M. S., Schmisseur, A., Kleinmann, C., & Stahl, J. (2024). “I’m afraid it’s going to be awkward”: Students’ perceived barriers to visiting instructors during office hours. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 19. Article 3. doi: 10.46504/19202403va